For : Sale Property Type : Agricultural Land Address : Gowribinanur City, State : Chikkaballapura, Karnataka Pincode : 123452 Ownership : Builder/Promoter
Total Property Cost : 4CR 20L
Area :12 Acre
Reason For Sale :Personal issue Description :12 Acres of land purchased during 1990..developed during 1995-96.. Now there are 300 coconut trees. 25 years old. 50 Mango trees Alfonso and Rajgiri verities 20 years old...400 Mallika veriety 5 years old..200 Mallika veriety 3 years old .300 teak trees 20 years old..Fully drip irrigation system.4 bore wells.. organically maintained right from beginning..
Jeevamrutha and Panchakavya being prepared and supplied through drip system. Pest repellant with neem oil..garlic zinger. and other herbs. and sprayed for controlling pest.
There are 4 Country breed cows.for natural manure.. Jeevamrutha and Panchakavya ..Now there are twenty Sheep ( Rams)
Grass also grown using organic manure..sheep being fed with grass. Coconut and Groundnut oil cake produced in our farm..
For the past three months started crushing dry coconut extracting oil and selling it in Rs 3O0 per litre using oil cake for cow and sheep .preparing Virgin Coconut oil also. selling at Rs 600 per litre in Bangalore..Growing Groundnut organically.. extracting oil and selling at Rs 250 per litre. again using oil cake for cows and sheep..
Feeding sheep with neem leaves and teak leaves ..along its grass and oil cake. Per acres asking 35L